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Here you’ll find step-by-step instructions, relatable tips, and product links for budget-friendly DIY projects at your home.
1980s Kitchen Makeover for less than $5000 with The Home Depot
1980’s Complete Kitchen Makeover for $4750
Pantry Makeover With The Home Depot
If you're like me, you probably spend a considerable amount of time in your kitchen pantry, making sure your family actually has food to eat for each meal. But let's admit it, sometimes our pantries can become a chaotic mess! That's why I decided to embark on a fun and budget-friendly pantry makeover that has made my life so much easier.
Jeffrey Court Challenge REVEAL
The bathroom is done! I’ve poured my heart and soul into this bathroom over the past 42 days and I CANNOT believe how it turned out!!!
Jeffrey Court Week 5
Since all the walls were finished, it was time for the shower pan tile. I chose this gorgeous tile from Jeffrey Court that I knew would play beautifully with the granite on my vanity (also bought from Home Depot and arrived so quickly).
Jeffrey Court Week 4
Let’s build a shower! Real talk: this is the first shower pan I’ve ever made. So I’m watching a ton of YouTube tutorials to make sure I do this right!
Jeffrey Court Renovation Challenge Week 3
We started this week with NOTHING in the bathroom and are ending with half of the floor tiled and a shower curb! Progress is slow with real life and three young kids but slow progress is still progress!